Hello All Well we are

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Hello All

Well we are now playing the waiting game and any day/hour now I am expecting the arrival. We have had a few dramas over the last couple of weeks and with rising blood pressure and suspected pre-eclampsia but now all is well.

Summer is coming to an end here and with the last few days up in the late 30's I am very glad to see the rain.

I have now almost finished work. Well in the evenings anyway. It is hard for one who is used to being out of the house every night to try and fill in the time but I guess it will be filled when the baby arrives on the scene.

The restaurant is still busy although not like summer, but with Easter only a few weeks away we will be flat out again.

I am getting a computer at home in the next few weeks so I will (at last) be able to reply to all your e-mails. I promise I will. It is so hard at work to get anything done on the computer.

Anyway watch this space

Yours in expectation


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Congtaulations to you both on the birth of Nora. You all look well and it takes me back to that wonderful time! The Hunnaballs informed us of your news today and passed on the website details. what does it feel like to be parents then..?
We're at a different stage with Harry (10) starting secondary school in September and with Joe celebrating his 8th birthday on Friday minus 4 front teeth (good old skateboards!
With love to you all and a special hug for Nora
The Wendens xx

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